Friday, February 12, 2010

First 15 gallon batch

After my last brew session's insane cold temps (15 below at mash in), I haven't wanted to brew much, but I am getting sick of the Belgian Golden Strong and Smoked Brown I have on tap, plus my APA is going to blow any day now, so I need to brew. I'm hoping to squeeze in a session on Monday. Since I'm not sure when I'll get to brew next and we blow through hoppy beers pretty fast here, I am brewing up a 15 gallon batch. I've got 33 pounds of grain that will barely fit in my mashtun, but my keggle can only accommodate about 12 gallons safely, so I'm going to basically brew an IPA and then dilute it in the 3 instead of 2 fermenters that I normally use. Right now the grain bill is the only thing I've figured out:
  • 17 lbs Briess 2row
  • 15 lbs Munton's Maris Otter
  • 1.6 lbs Dingeman's Cara45 (formerly known as CaraMunich)
For hops, I'm looking at Summit and Amarillo as first wort hops, a bittering addition of Warrior, then more Summit and Amarillo late in the boil. I've got some Simcoe and Centennial that might find their way into late additions or keg hops as well.

The APA that I've got on tap right now won a 2nd at the Upper Mississippi Mashout, so I'm pretty stoked, not to mention surprised, about that. There was quite a bit of competition in that category too, unlike the apricot blonde that scored 2nd out of a handful at the State Fair. I also won a 2nd for my Smoked Brown and a 3rd for my very young Bourbon Vanilla Imperial Porter. I entered 2 more beers at the Mashout, but neither of them scored very well. I got some really good feedback though, so that will help if I brew those styles again.


SWART said...

Hey, its been awhile since I checked out your blog, and it looks like its been awhile since you posted. I'd blame it on kids! Anyway, I hope to brew an IPA either this or next weekend and while that is fermenting set forth into converting to a kegging system. Ive got a local homebrew store that will assist. Lastly, Sara is gone this week so I have been able to sample some good beers. (Ive been trying not to drink in front of her since she cant). Had a Hebrew Rejewvenator on Sunday that was ok. too sweet for me. Last night sampled the Stony Brook Red from Sam Adams. Loved it! Its part of their limited barrel series. It was a belgian style ale with tart cherries. Right now I am having a Stone Cali-Belgique IPA. Its an American pale ale with beligian yeast. Pretty good.


richt said...

IPA sounds good. We've got too much home improvement crap going on so no brewing for me until that's done. I'm thinking a Belgian Pale when I get the chance.

Dude, you must start kegging! Take a look at Midwest Supplies for a kegging setup. My rig was 200 (which would probably ship for 25 or 30 to Denver) and you can serve at 2 different pressures. Something to think about anyway. Good luck!