Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Hopslam Project

The Hopslam clone was brewed on Saturday. We stuck with the same steeping grains that I listed in the original recipe, but bumped the DME up to 10 pounds and honey to 1.5 pounds. Since I was able to pick up Simcoe and Columbus, we changed the hops around quite a bit. Here's the hop schedule:
  • 60 minutes: 1 ounce Yakima Magnum
  • 30 minutes: 1 ounce Cascade, 1 ounce Simcoe
  • 20 minutes: 1 ounce mix of Cascade, Columbus, Amarillo
  • 15 minutes: 1 ounce mix of Cascade, Columbus, Amarillo
  • 10 minutes: 1 ounce mix of Cascade, Columbus, Amarillo
  • 5 minutes: 1 ounce Simcoe
  • Flameout: 2 ounces Centennial leaf

That's right, 9 ounces of hops. Everything went pretty well until after the wort was cooled. I probably had a few too many homebrews and added too much water to top up, and didn't account for the 1500 mL starter that we pitched, so the OG was a lot lower than originally calculated. According to the TastyBrew calculator, that dropped it from around 10% ABV to about 8.5%. Bummer. It should still make some awesome beer though. It is kicking massive amounts of foam into the blowoff tube right now and it smells great. I just brought it downstairs to keep the temp a little cooler.

It was really fun to brew with somebody else for once. Sharing the cost was cool, and Cole and I both ended up with enough hops and specialty grain leftovers for at least one batch each, so that's a bonus too. If I get around to it I'll post some pictures of Saturday's silliness.


The Don said...

This sounds really tasty. Did you use 1056 (or 001)?

richt said...

Half a cake of 1056 that I used on a brown ale and woke up with a 1500 mL starter and 2 tiny drops of olive oil. I still shook the heck out of the carboy when I pitched, but the cake woke up really fast in the starter, and foamed like crazy. Not a very scientific experiment, but it'll be interesting to see how it finishes out.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

So how was it, was it like hopslam? I would very much like to know how it tasted, were trying to find a good recipe here :).